Think the techy young people in your life are too techy to be scammed? Think again. According to data from the FTC, people in their twenties reported losing money to fraud at a higher rate than people in their seventies. So, if you count yourself an older adult, let’s use your accumulated knowledge this Older American’s Month. Reach out to the young people in your life to help them better spot and avoid scams. But where to start?
The top scams young people reported include impersona
Bella Holzer (C-FC), Miriam Sandberg (Mondovi), Maya Weir (Durand), and Kailyn Pophal (Durand) are the teen court panel members that heard a case in Durand on September 27, 2023. The panelists used restorative questioning techniques and restorative practices to assign requirements for learning and growth to a youth offender who had a violation in the community. Buffalo/Pepin County Teen Court is a panel of students from six school districts trained to facilitate hearings with youth with violati