4-H members who are planning on exhibiting market beef animals at this year’s fair, the 2025 Market Beef Weigh-In will be on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at the Independence NFO collection point from 7:30am -11:30am.
**NEW THIS YEAR: All animals weighed in will be required to have a halter on. Animals do not need to be fully halter broken, but a halter needs to be on the animal so the volunteers working can use it during handling if needed during the tagging and weigh in.
Join our UW-Madison Division of Extension Farm Management Specialists, Joy Kirkpatrick, Steph Plaster, Kelly Wilfert, and Kevin Bernhardt as they lead discussions and activities during the Cultivating Your Farm’s Future workshop series. This program will provide tools and resources for farmers who want to start their succession plans.
The program will explore the three-step process of planning your business succession:
Where are you now?
Where do you want to be?
How do you get