Fair Judging General Information

There are four types of judging methods that take place at the fair:

Danish Judging is used for most departments and classes in the junior division. All the
entries in one lot number are arranged together so the judge can decide what placing
to give them. Each of the entries will get a placing, but there is a limit to the number
of blue, red and white ribbons that can be given.

Regular Judging is used in all open classes and in a few classes in the junior division.
This means that only four placings can be given in each lot number (1 blue, 1 red, 1
white and 1 pink). If there were more than four entries, the other entries would not
receive a placing.

Conference Judging means that the entire group of exhibitors for a specific lot number
meets with the judge, and the judge briefly discusses each exhibit with exhibitors.
The judge will place each exhibit comparing it to the standard of perfection and the
quality of the other exhibits according to the Danish system.

Face-to-Face Judging means that the exhibitor must be present at the time of judging
and talk to the judge about his/her entry. This system is used for the Cloverbud and
Exploring departments, and is designed to make the judging experience a positive
learning experience for the young exhibitor.

Remember, the most important thing is how YOU feel about your project and what
you’ve learned. If you did your best, you can be proud of yourself and the experience
you gained!