Food WIse is a UW-Extension Program that helps limited resource families and individuals, eligible for Food Share, choose, purchase and prepare nutritious meals and snacks based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and My Plate:
* Make half your grains whole grains
* Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
* Make lean choices from the protein group
* Make low fat dairy choices:
* get three calcium rich foods each day
* Choose and prepare foods with less fat, sugar and salt
* Choose healthy foods and beverages when eating away from home
Balance food intake with physical activity:
* Balance calories from foods and beverages with calories used
Manage food resources, use thrifty shopping practices for nutritious foods, and improve food security:
* Determine resources for food
* Track food dollars and live within a spending plan
* Plan, buy and prepare affordable meals and snacks on a budget
* Buy locally grown fruits and vegetables at the Farmers Market or grow your own garden to enhance food security
To find out if you are eligible for Food Share, go to: www.access.wi.gov (Access to Support Services for Health & Nutrition). This website is quick, and for people who live in Wisconsin to see if they might be able to get help through Wisconsin’s health and nutrition programs. For more information on FoodShare Wisconsin: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/eligibility.htm
Keep food safe by practicing safe food handling, preparation and storage practices:

* Keep hands and surfaces clean
* Avoid cross contamination
* Cook foods to their proper temperatures
* Refrigerate perishable foods and leftovers promptly and store food safely
See Fight BAC for more information!
For more information about FoodWIse visit: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/foodwise/
If you have any questions regarding Nutrition Education in Pepin County, please contact:
April Duval
FoodWIse Nutrition Education Coordinator for Jackson, Trempealeau, Buffalo and Pepin Counties

Home Office:
227 S 11th Street
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Phone: 715-284-4257 Ext. 506
Fax: 715-284-2394
Email: april.duval@wisc.edu